

  1. 答:Rapid economic development, urban petition, Xuzhou how the tourism industry is faced with reality, to further improve petitiveness issue. This paper analyzes the development of tourism in Xuzhou strengths and weaknesses, and on this basis the use of Xuzhou, the most characteristic historical and cultural resources, that is, the Han culture and the culture of war to increase the tourism product and cultural level, expanding tourist market and establish a tourism brand in Xuzhou, Xuzhou扬长避短tourism development strategy and mendations for the development of cultural heritage and tourism to achieve a win-win situation, in order to achieve Xuzhou sustainable development of tourism
  2. 答:The economical fast development, the metropolis petition's aggravating, how does the Xuzhou tourism face is acting according to actual, further promotes petitive power topic. This article has analyzed the Xuzhou tourism development superiority and the inferiority, based on this and proposed uses the Xuzhou most characterful history culture resources namely two Chinese cultures and the war culture, enhances the sightseeing trip product the cultural level, the expanded traveling source of tourists market, sets up the Xuzhou traveling brand, enhances strong points and avoids weaknesses develops the Xuzhou tourism countermeasure and the suggestion, causes the cultural inheritance and the traveling development achieves win-win, thus realizes the Xuzhou tourism sustainable development.
  3. 答:Rapid economic development, urban petition, Xuzhou how the tourism industry is faced with reality, to further improve petitiveness issue. This paper analyzes the development of tourism in Xuzhou strengths and weaknesses, and on this basis the use of Xuzhou, the most characteristic historical and cultural resources, that is, the Han culture and the culture of war to increase the tourism product and cultural level, expanding tourist market and establish a tourism brand in Xuzhou, Xuzhoutourism development strategy and mendations for the development of cultural heritage and tourism to achieve a win-win situation, in order to achieve Xuzhou sustainable development of tourism.
  4. 答:大多是互译的,也可以得不一样,但中心要是一样的,毕竟论文是一份。所以表达的意思是一个。当然不一定要一次一句的翻译。。。
  1. 答:根据学术堂的了解,中英文摘要写作规范主要为下面五点:
  1. 答:一般来讲,文章的摘要是论文的重要组成部分,是以提供论文的内容梗概为目的,不加评论的和补充解释,简明准确地叙述论文的重要内容的一篇短文。但是,由于摘要要独立于论文之外出现在文献检索系统等处,所以,要求摘要的编写要有自明性和独立性。摘要的好坏直接影响着你的论文的传播状况。既要把论文的重要内容通过摘要告诉读者,摘要本身还有吸引读者去追踪阅读论文。通常摘要分报道性和指导性,报道性摘要就是简介,把论文的目的、研究方法、主要结果和结论告诉读者。一般来讲结果和结论创新性不强、结论空泛,都不会吸引读者注意的。指导性摘要一般就是告诉读者论文的论题,取得的成果性质和水平,也就是作者做了什么事。前者用在研究论文的较多,后者多用于综述性论文或文科的论说文,或图书如“该书适合广大外语系师生阅读”之类。至于选用哪种形式要看投刊的要求。估计你的文章是一篇研究论文,可以考虑用报道性手法写摘要,突出你的观点。
