

  1. 答:一、修饰语错位(Misplaced Modifiers)
    三、悬垂修饰语(Dangling Modifiers)
    四、句子不完整(Sentence Fragments)
    五、指代不清(Ambiguous Reference of Pronouns)
  2. 答:议论文是以议论为主要表达方式,通过摆事实,讲道理,直接表达作者的观点和主张的常用文体。它不同于记叙文以形象生动的记叙来间接地表达作者的思想感情,也不同于说明文侧重介绍或解释事物的形状、性质、成因、功能等。总之,论文是以理服人的文章,记叙文和说明文则是以事感人,以知授人的文章。
  1. 答:Finally,I would like to talk about the deficiencies of this paper. During the process posing and revising,though I spared no efforts to exert all the knowledge I have acquired from the collected materials,it still has many ings.Through this painstaking process,I also e more conscious about the shortage of my stored knowledge and experience.I suppose there is a big space for improving.The argument could be more distinctive and the grounds for it could be more sufficient.With the eager emotion to get this paper better and improve myself in the future,I can not wait to receive your critics and suggestions.Thank you a lot my dear teachers.中间你没有说出哪不足,我给你加上:论点可以更鲜明,论据可以更充分,这样说也比较委婉。如果再多说具体哪不足也不好了,因为老师会想你知道哪不足为什么还不改。放宽心啦~即使自己的论文写的没有那么出色,明天也一定要表现的自信,好运!!
  2. 答:Finally, I want to talk about the ings of this paper. In the paper writing and revision process, I am ing more aware of their lack of knowledge and experience. Although, I tried to collect materials, do our best to use their learned knowledge to thesis writing, but there are many papers still inadequate, should be improved. Please the judges instructors criticism and learn in the future I learn more, thank a teacher
  3. 答:Finally, I want to discuss the shortage of this thesis existence.
    In the process of the writing and modification of thesis, I more and more know I's knowledge and empirical of lack.Although, I collect material possibly, sparing no effort can make use of the knowledge that oneself learns to carry on a thesis writing,the thesis still keeps existing the place of much shortage and needs an improvement.Please more criticize to correct, let me arrive in aftertime's study high school more, thank teacher
  4. 答:Finally, I want to talk about the ings of this paper. In the process about paper writing and revision, I am ing to realized that knowledge and lack of experience myself. I have tried my best to collect materials, and to thesis writing by learned knowledge, but mistakes still be over there, I want the teacher criticized me, so that I can learn more in the future., thank the teacher a lot
问:论文的一个小标题 “ 目前存在的不足之处” 英文怎么翻译更恰当
  1. 答:the existing ings at present
  2. 答:the disadvantage in present
    the disadvantage existing at present
  3. 答:Existing inadequacies
  4. 答:Current ings
  5. 答:the short in presant
